Half and Half- Part 2

So, the only reason why I finished writing the second part was because I had errands to run – mostly to buy groceries for me and the housemates. And I also forgot how divide for a moment. I realized this when I was sitting in traffic. Six hundred times 2 is not 18k. Yeah, it’s been a long week. I hope it doesn’t happen again. Fingers crossed.

Saying that, I will say that I was able to move the plot forward. All the hints and the subplot are starting to get intertwined. They’re all feeding into the story. There’s little more than ten days left before the end of the month and so I think I can finish the story entirely. I’m not sure yet but I’m not too worried. I have time.

On a side note, I will say that I have to fix my sentence structure. They’re all the same: subject, verb, etc. They also start with ‘she’ a lot. I try to have some variety but it’s hard to keep remembering that just because I’m typing this up, it is not set in stone. I also think that my characters feel a bit flat so I definitely need to take a look at them again when this is all said and done. Sure I’m picking out all the flaws but don’t worry, I won’t do anything about them now. I’ll just keep them in mind so, as I continue to type, I can be aware of them.

Tomorrow plot: I’m not sure. Oh wait. Avon is going to get information about the gooey blob she found. The lab has found out what it is. The plot thickens.

Word Count:1,841

Half and Half -Part 1

I decided to try something different today. For the last seventeen days, I have been writing around 1,800 words (sometimes less) all in one sitting. This probably contributes to the reason of why I finish writing well into the evening. Or should I say night? Whatever the case may be, I wanted to try out something new.

Instead of writing all 1,800 words today, I have written six hundred off words right now. In the long run, I think this will be helpful for me because I won’t have to come up with a ridiculous idea that has no part in the story when I have no idea what to write. With the break in the middle, I have time to plan what comes next. Honestly, this all sound like another excuse I’m making.

Sure who is to say that I will write the other half of my word count later. It’s why this method of writing is an experiment. I want to see if I can be more productive if I cut the work in half. It allows me a break instead of getting distracted (like yesterday) by mediums of entertainment. I also think that it’s worth the try and as long as I get the words typed up, it should be fine.

Here’s hoping. What ‘tricks’ have worked for you when you get distracted from writing? Do you find some better than others? Or does it all depend on commitment?

Word Count so far: 608

P.S.  Does anyone have any recommendations for playlists to write? I’m getting tired of all my music.


Mistakes were made and YouTube was not my friend today. Usually, I listen to playlists when I write and today, it was different. Too many channels that I subscribed too updated and yes, I clicked and watched all the videos. (insert a sigh here)

However, I will say that I did manage to finish all my word count goal for today. Even though it was later than usual. I mentioned how the month had passed by really quick well, it didn’t feel like it today. Honestly, I want (-ed) a break from writing today which is why I took longer to write today but I know I can’t because I promised myself that I would finish this novel and I don’t want to rush at the end.

Let’s just say that a lot of heads were lost and we’ll leave it at that.

Word Count: 1,839

When Stares Kill

We’re half way through the month of November. Despite the fact that I have been writing, it feels to me like the month has gone by rather quickly. This upcoming week is Thanksgiving and then almost immediately the month is over. This is one of the reasons why I am starting to panic a bit. I do have the the following chapters – say 1 or 2 – planned out and I do know where I want this story to go but I feel like somehow my plot is big and I won’t complete the novel by November 30. I’m sure I’ll reach the 50k words but the story won’t have ‘the end’ on the last page.

I might be exaggerating and overconfident at this point but, hopefully, I get to reach 50k words and type ‘the end’ on the last page. I have my fingers crossed.

With today’s writing, I got to an action part. Yesterday I explained how I was unsure on how to continue the story in regards to the time of day but today I figured it out. Long story short, Avon retired and she was taking medication to get rid of her Fae powers. However, not that she is reinstated, she no longer takes that medication and her body is unsure of how to act (if that makes sense). So, I had Avon pass out because of this unbalance in her body and when she woke, infers that something bad has happened with Samael. I think that worked out really well. Off to the rescue Avon goes and she isn’t too happy about it. I feel sorry for those demons. Plus she holds a grudge against them. It’s not pretty. Also, thanks to Avon’s abilities she can use her stare to corrupt the demon’s body. Yes, stares do kill.

However, this scene also plays into this other plot that my Lead hasn’t figure out and so all the dots are connecting. At least, that is how I hope it is happening.

Mostly likely tomorrow: I will go back to the main plot by revealing some information about the gooey substance found on werewolf territory.

Word Count: 1,803

Not According to Plan

I greatly underestimated the time of day in my story. Long story short, I had  Avon and Samael (demon co-worker) go off to investigate two other demons that their visas to the material plane expired. It’s a complicated system but bear with me. So the two left in search for these two demons. In my head, I had totally planned it to happen in the dark and there was this chase. But now in the story is broad daylight. Plus, I set it up where demons are stronger in the dark. So I can’t just have Avon and Samael stay until dark and then talk to the demons.

Hmm, I have rethink this. It’s also that I don’t want this to be the scene where I get stuck on because I don’t know how to write the scene. Oh wait, I got it. Samael can get kidnapped by demons and . . . Avon won’t know until later when it’s dark? I guess it doesn’t matter right now. I can revise the plot later. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

Tomorrow’s plot: the rescue mission (hopefully)

Today’s word count: 1,804